Dunja Kovačević, MFT

Hi! My name is Dunja and my pronouns are she/they, which means they’re flexible, just like me.

I am an immigrant settler to Treaty 1 territory, a child refugee from the Former Yugoslavia, and a queer femme.

I am a Masters level graduate of the Marriage and Family Therapy program from the University of Winnipeg. This means I look at people – individuals, couples, and families – through the lens of relationships and systems we belong to, how these shape our identities, and how we grow.

My background in community work and cultural studies means I think a lot about how power shows up in our lives and relationships. Working towards a more just and inclusive future is at the heart of how I practice and move through the world. 

I enjoy connecting with people who are interested in exploring their identities, culture, race, gender, sexuality, intergenerational patterns, or relationships to their different parts. Your richness and complexity are valued here! Working with individuals and communities that have experienced, and survived, trauma is particularly close to my heart and informs my approach. 

Since I was a little immigrant kid growing up between cultures, I’ve had a lot of questions. I think questions are important teachers! The common thread that runs through my work is a deep curiosity about individuals, communities and cultures, and the impact of the stories that make up our lives.

In this role, I get to witness people in a really intimate way and share hilarious, insightful, wrenching, and beautiful moments each time we meet. And, as a therapist who started as a client, I know that relationships only move at the speed of trust. As your therapist, I spend a lot of time building trust and connection. There’s space for laughing or breaking down what you’re reading or watching in therapy too!

Though some approaches inform how I think – like Narrative, Just Therapy, Internal Family Systems or Attachment – how we work together is tailored to our relationship, your goals, and your strengths. Here, you drive. 

As a neurodivergent and creative person myself, I understand how important it is to have the freedom to show authentically. I want you to know that who you are is welcome here! Feel free to stim, move, and to bring your special interests or creative practices into the room with you. And, if there’s anything I can adjust in session to help you feel more comfortable, just say the word. 

I offer in-person or video sessions on Tuesday through Friday.